Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Things I'm Digging.

NPR hs an ode to the Avocado! Just in time, since I have about 3 almost-ripe avocados in my kitchen as I type...

McCain's daughter AND wife being outspoken about gay rights!
Seriously, John, get with the program. I wonder if he's secretly okay with it or even for it but doesn't want to lose his Republican followers...

The Greatest Muppet Movie of All Time?
Pretty big words, but I love a good Muppet Caper! Er, wait, I mean movie...

and speaking of the Muppets...


also... Daria finally has a DVD release date! The nerd in me is swooning!

and finally... a Feminist Teacher blog!? As an up and coming teacher myself (well, Saturday classes for now, but possibly a full-time gig in the future), this is definitely up my alley.

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