Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Trailer Tues-er Wednesday!

Trailer time! A day late...

Nightmare On Elm Street (The Remake) - !!!!! I saw this the other day and thought.. well. Okay. But after watching it a second time, I am seriously, SERIOUSLY excited! I would suggest you watch it a few times before making your mind up about it as well. You'll probably have the time to do it too since it won't be coming out until next year. The new Freddy look and sound are actually more terrifying in my opinion. I also love that they're keeping so many of the same shots as the original, and that they're not casting a bunch of the same annoying celeb kids (no Megan Fox or Shia LeBouf thankyouverymuch.) And while this seems to be Samuel Bayer's first real feature film directing gig, I think he'll do a good job if the trailer is any indication. He has made some of my favorite music videos after all...

The House of the Devil - What looks like a well-made homage to the 1970's classic horror films (The Exorcist, Rosemary's Baby, and the like), I am really looking forward to checking this out and sincerely hoping it doesn't disappoint. The few special effects they show look spectacular and completely terrifying!

The Box - I reeeeally don't like Cameron Diaz, but this kind of looks interesting. I think it's more of a wait-for-DVD release but I like the concept at least. Very Twilight Zone-esque. Plus its by the same person that directed Donnie Darko, so it's got that going for it. Opinions?

Paranormal Activity - Blair Witch for Ghosts? Could work... I don't like the trailer much to be honest, but the movie could be entertaining. Especially if there's more to it than the few bits shown here...

Afterschool - Not entirely horror, but it definitely look good. A new indie thriller with a bunch of unknowns that might deliver something much better than most of the crap that is sold to us in theaters. Worth a look, for sure.

I'm sure there's more trailers out there to watch right now but... really... after Nightmare, do you really WANT to?

1 comment:

Melissa Dominic said...

must. watch. afterschool!