Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Trailer Tues-er Wednesday!

Trailer time! A day late...

Nightmare On Elm Street (The Remake) - !!!!! I saw this the other day and thought.. well. Okay. But after watching it a second time, I am seriously, SERIOUSLY excited! I would suggest you watch it a few times before making your mind up about it as well. You'll probably have the time to do it too since it won't be coming out until next year. The new Freddy look and sound are actually more terrifying in my opinion. I also love that they're keeping so many of the same shots as the original, and that they're not casting a bunch of the same annoying celeb kids (no Megan Fox or Shia LeBouf thankyouverymuch.) And while this seems to be Samuel Bayer's first real feature film directing gig, I think he'll do a good job if the trailer is any indication. He has made some of my favorite music videos after all...

The House of the Devil - What looks like a well-made homage to the 1970's classic horror films (The Exorcist, Rosemary's Baby, and the like), I am really looking forward to checking this out and sincerely hoping it doesn't disappoint. The few special effects they show look spectacular and completely terrifying!

The Box - I reeeeally don't like Cameron Diaz, but this kind of looks interesting. I think it's more of a wait-for-DVD release but I like the concept at least. Very Twilight Zone-esque. Plus its by the same person that directed Donnie Darko, so it's got that going for it. Opinions?

Paranormal Activity - Blair Witch for Ghosts? Could work... I don't like the trailer much to be honest, but the movie could be entertaining. Especially if there's more to it than the few bits shown here...

Afterschool - Not entirely horror, but it definitely look good. A new indie thriller with a bunch of unknowns that might deliver something much better than most of the crap that is sold to us in theaters. Worth a look, for sure.

I'm sure there's more trailers out there to watch right now but... really... after Nightmare, do you really WANT to?

Monday, September 28, 2009

Maddow and Olbermann Fun!

As I lie on my couch with a pulled groin muscle (yes, you're allowed to snicker at that), I figured it would be a good time to update myself and the rest of the world on all i've been missing on my favorite left-wing journalists! Here we go!

Catching Up With Rachel Maddow:

Countdown with my Main Man, Keith Olbermann:

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Barbie - The Plastic Woman With Deformed Feet...

..Not to mention a lack of nipples or a belly button or any real genitalia. Yes, we all know who she is. I grew up with these dolls. My very first Barbie was I believe Hawaiian Barbie. She had tan skin and dark brown hair and eventually, I broke off her head and lost most of her clothing. Over time, I became the proud owner of several more Barbie dolls, a Barbie bed-room set, and even a few of Barbie's friends (Ken, Skipper, and Stacy.) I can't exactly remember what kind of games I played (I do recall re-enacting the Star Wars garbage compactor scene a lot), but I realize that they definitely skewed my idea of what life would be like in my later years. Somehow I developed the notion that I would grow up to be this blonde, blue-eyed, white beauty with all kinds of luxuries, a blonde, white man by my side and together we'd have white, blonde children. Why the hell I was so deluded for a while there is beyond me, but that's just how it was. I'd like to say Barbie is at least partially to blame for this. After all, she (or perhaps more to the point, her makers) are the same brain trusts behind the "Colored Francie" Barbie doll of 1967 and the "Oreo Barbie" (so you know, they wouldn't seem too racist... right?), the Teen Talk Barbie that proudly proclaimed things like "Will we ever have enough clothes?!" and "Math class is tough!", the "Share A Smile Becky" doll in a wheelchair too big to fit in to Barbie's mansion, and even a Barbie with a "tramp stamp" that has Ken's name on it. It's obvious Barbie has never really had real women or real girls in mind. Anyone with even a slight bit of intelligence can see she sets unrealistic expectations for everyone, my childhood self included.

But anyway... the point is this most famous of little girls' playthings is now getting her own movie. Not only that, but apparently it's going to be live-action! I don't really know how I feel about this. No, I do. It's ridiculous. We seriously don't need any more Barbie crap shoved down our throats, and more importantly, down our daughters throats. I don't know if I would ever buy a potential daughter of mine a Barbie doll. Maybe if she really asked for it, and then i'd have to make sure she has plenty of other toys. I'm really just curious to see who is cast as Barbie. Megan Fox? No... she has black hair. And she's probably too tan for the role, hrm. Guess we'll have to see. Can't begin to imagine what the plot of the film will be. Start pitching your ideas now! Who do you want as the new "Real" Barbie?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tuesday Trailers

Sorry for the lack of trailers last week! Here's a new set to tide you over...

Van Diemen's Land - Apparently based on a true story, this one goes either way for me.

The Maid - Interesting tale about someone we might take for granted.

Blind Date - Looks absolutely beautiful.

Up In The Air - Could be something great for Clooney, and something different as well.

This Is It - What can I say? It's still and always will be Michael Jackson.

A Christmas Carol - I have a feeling Zemeckis and Carrey will make me proud.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday Morning Two-Minute Headlines.

The NY Times wraps up the Emmys. Mad Men (one of my new personal favorites) won for best Drama and Best Writing as well (as it damn well should have.) 30 Rock also won a few awards, making me think I really have to finally get around to watching it.

The LA Times writes about the difficulties of rearing a child with schizophrenia. Fascinating and completely heartbreaking, I can only mildly comprehend how exhausted these parents must be.

NPR comments on the evolution of the T-Rex. Fun read for anyone interested in dinosaurs.

As witness to many individuals who claim that "god" has really had a huge impact on them (going so far as to go in to extreme prayer that includes "speaking in tongues"), this report called This Is Your Brain On God is of exceptional interest.

Kudos to this Temecula School for not being afraid to tackle a assigning a book that addresses rape, a situation that is very real in all our communities and unfortunately many times in our schools as well.

A local Feed & Supply store holds a rally against a chain of horse murders in our own Miami-Dade County.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Feminist Dinner and a Movie!

In support of the Women's and Gender Studies Department here at the University of Miami, I want to let you all know about their upcoming Dinner and a Movie series! This fabulous event will put together movies of interest to the study of women and gender together with some delicious food and fantastic professors who will be leading discussion about the films we watch! This upcoming Thursday, we'll be kicking off the series by watching the 2009 animated film Wonder Woman, eating some yummy spanakopita, and leading the discussion will be one of my favorite professors at UM, Dr. Pamela Geller. I'm totally psyched about this event, and it's open to anyone (UM and Non-UM people alike!) so feel free to RSVP and make it out!

For more info, check out the flyer which has details about the who, what, where, when, and how to RSVP!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Start of The Halloween Season?

I'm a huge, huge, HUGE fan of the holidays. I go all out for all the Fall holidays (and I try to do as much as I can with the rest of the years' holidays as well - including St. Pattys, Easter, Bastille Day, Cinco de Mayo, etc.) Seeing as it's mid-September, it seems only appropriate to begin the Halloween season! To kick things off, NPR just put a song by the band Dead Man's Bones (the joint creation of Ryan Gosling and Zach Shields) entitled 'My Body's a Zombie For You,' and let me tell you - it is all kinds of Halloweentastic (yes, I realize this makes me an uber-nerd)!

Upon further research, i've also discovered that the band is planning a tour starting next month! And to make them even cooler, the opening acts will be a talent show featuring local talent from every city they're at! These guys have seriously gained my total respect. Zombies? Halloween? and Talent Show? Sweet mother of jesus! Do yourselves a favor, go listen to the song, and then start bringing out your dusty Halloween decor like i'll be doing this weekend and get ready for the kick off to the best of the holiday season!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Good News!

Operation Rescue, one of those absurd militant right-wing anti-choice, pro-life groups, is drowning financially! I'm not one to praise the misfortunes of others normally... unless of course you happen to be the kind of people who would wish me misfortune in believing in my right to do what I choose with my body. NPR discusses whether it's really the economy that is hitting the pro-lifers hard, or if it has more to do with the recent death of Dr. George Tiller, who was killed outside of a church by a pro-life nut job. It's truly a shame about Tiller's death (and the deaths of all other abortion providers for that matter), but perhaps one positive thing to come out of it is people's realizations that (although this isn't true for all) many religiously fueled pro-lifers are going too far in their quest to control the lives and bodies of women, using force when they see it as necessary. Either way, I won't be too sad the day Operation Rescue (or any of these other pro-life groups) finally shuts its' doors for good.

Big Thumbs Down to the Ukraine.

Elton John and his partner of many years, David Furnish, have decided they wanted to adopt a child from an orphanage in the Ukraine. This child is a special needs child as he is HIV positive. This child has a very small likelihood of being adopted (only 30 HIV positive children have been adopted in the last 2 years according to the article.) And yet... under the conditions that he is not "legally married" and "too old," he is being denied the ability to give this child a loving home and an incredible opportunity at a very happy and stable life. Let's hear it for Yuriy Pavlenko, Minister of Family, Youth and Sports in the Ukraine, as well as Ukranian law and the Happy Child Foundation (oh, the irony) who are standing in the way of making this dream come true. If this were Brad and Angie, it's sure that they would be encouraged to make multiple adoptions. But no, this is clearly a case of gay discrimination (gay marriage and other civil unions aren't recognized in the Ukraine, and even if they were, those interviews seem to be opposed to it anyway.) I honestly don't see Elton and his partner doing this as some kind of publicity stunt. And while I recognize that a celebrity adoption one child from a foreign orphanage doesn't help the world entirely, at least he's willing to open his heart and home to someone who might otherwise never be adopted, never know what having parents is, and essentially live as much more difficult life. Shame on you, Ukraine (but let me not point all my fingers at you, as I realize we here in the U.S. have many strides to make as well...)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Goodbye, Patrick!

So it's official. Patrick Swayze, Mr. "Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner" himself, has checked out for the last time. I wasn't exactly Swayze's #1 fan or anything, but he was a good entertainer when he wanted to be. From Dirty Dancing to Roadhouse to his lovely drag performance in To Wong Foo to being a pederast tendencies in Donnie Darko, he played a wide array of colorful characters and didn't really seem to care to be typecast in one role or another (I have yet to see Ghost or Point Break... *gasp* I know, I know), not to mention he even branched out to have a short-lived singing career in spite of his success as an actor. He may not have had as many parts as some other actors, but everyone know his name and everyone will always remember him as Johnny, as Vida, and even as Dalton.

R.I.P. Patrick. You'll be missed.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Good Morning!

Some mornings you wonder how the hell you were able to even get out of bed (usually you had to drag yourself out after losing several fights with the alarm clock.) Some morning you feel like the world is against you and you're completely drained of all your energy. But then... Some mornings you wake up feeling all kinds of rejuvenated and ready to conquer the world! Some mornings come and surprise you and you realize that you have your youth and feel revitalized and energized! This is one of those mornings. Feeling good, nay - feeling great! Here's some morning goodness to get you on your way!

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Festbier Tapping Party and Happy Hour Sundays!!

I've never been to Gordon Biersch before, but I'm pretty excited to finally go later this month. They're having 2 different goings-on and they both sounds great! On Friday, September 18th they're having their annual Festbier Tapping Party! What the hell is that, you say? Well, basically, it's like an inauguration party for their Oktoberfest beer and menu for the holiday! They'll have $3 Festbier drafts, giveaways (for more beer, food, and a trip to 2010 Oktoberfest in Munich!), samples of their Oktoberfest menu and live music! It's going on from 6pm-11pm that night!

And if for some reason you miss is, you can also check out their new Sunday specials just in time for football season! Their regular Happy Hour specials (listed below) will be available ALL DAY on Sundays (at least, for the next few weeks!) $1 off lagers, $5 martinis and margaritas, $5 appetizers, and more!

I know I sound like a commercial for this place, but seriously, I'm just excited to try out a new beer venue! Who's with me??

Music Inspired By Someone Else.

We all have them. People who in some way or other helped shape who we are today. Whether the experiences were good or bad (or just plain ugly), the result is that we're still here now, existing because that's what we're predisposed to do, I suppose. For whatever it's worth, these are songs that remind me of those individuals who impacted me in some way, even if only for a short while. The songs that remind me of those who managed to scratch my surface enough and get right under my skin, whether romantically or otherwise. While most if not all of these people no longer remain in my life, the songs will always stay with me (from the most beautiful to the most god awful - and mind you, some of these are especially cheesy!)

Mellowdrone - Limb To Limb (couldn't find a non-live version, sadly)

La Ritournelle - Sebastien Tellier

Build Me Up Buttercup - The Foundations

Right Here Waiting - Richard Marx

The Get Up Kids - Don't Hate Me

Polo Montanez covering Gilberto Santa Rose - Un Monton De Estrellas

Dashboard Confessional - Ender Will Save Us All

Sublime - Hope

Kathleen Hanna - I Wish I Was Him

Darwin's Waiting Room - Mario Andretti (Bus Driver Man)

One Line Drawing - Crush On Everyone (couldn't find a complete version unfortunately)

Piebald - American Hearts

GlassJaw - Pretty Lush

There's tons more I know and I'm sure i'll remember more as time goes by (god, what a high school flashback!)...

What songs remind you of the ghosts of your past?

Tuesday Trailers!

Sorry for the lack of trailers last week, but this should more than make up for it!

Lying - What is this, an indie kid's wet dream? Seriously... with super awesome starlets Chloe Sevigny, Jena Malone, and Leelee Sobiesky (the 2 latter of which I am happy to see finally getting some work again!), this is sure to be on every Stephen Merritt fan's list. And let's face it, my inner tragically hip self is also kinda dying to see this as well.

One Good Man - I don't know how I feel about this. It's a uh.. "feel-good" movie about a Mormon family. Mormonism is a.. very bizarre faith in my opinion. But it almost seems like just a run-of-the-mill feel-good flick. Plus there's holidays involved. Probably wait for the DVD, but still. Interesting.

Pretty Ugly People - Yeah... cause behind every depressed fat girl, there's a bitchy but beautiful skinny girl right? At least that's what I'm getting from this trailer... which is kind of annoying. And the only reason I'm posting it is because Sookie from Gilmore Girls is in it. Guess we'll see...

Price Of Life - Documentary about a Philly ex-con's rehabilitation. Could be good?

Leslie, My Name Is Evil - This is being sold as a comedy, but I have a feeling there might be more to it than that. Maybe. It looks interesting anyway, although if it turns out to just be a comedy, it'll be pretty disappointing.

Brief Interview with Hideous Men - John Krasinski's directorial debut. It might be entertaining? Either way, not one, but TWO Law & Order stars are in it. If they got Mariska Hargitay in there, it would be complete.

Possibly more later. If not, definitely by next week!

Go 'Canes!

I'm not exactly what you would call the typical sports fan. I don't really follow them much and I don't even know much about the rule technicalities. As a child, I only watched football because my brother was obsessed. Back then it was the heyday of the San Francisco 49ers and Joe Montana. I remember names like Drew Bledsoe and Jerry Rice and Dan Marino was still the Dolphins' main man. As I got older, I lost my interest in the game and the only games I watched were the ones my brother played at the quarterback for the G. Holmes Braddock Senior High Bull Dogs. When my brother got injured and was no longer able to play, we both kind of lost much of any interest in football. I've basically only watched the Super Bowl most years for the last decade (and mostly for the commercials, half-time show, and booze.) My boyfriend has become more of a fan in the last year or so and i've been watching more games (although it takes a lot for me to actually leave the comfort of the internet to watch one.) While in the back of my head I think - god, these guys get paid ridiculous amounts for doing bullshit while the rest of us waste our times worshipping their teams, I can see how it can be fun to get caught up in this.

And so, it's with a bit of humility that I confess I am slightly newfound college football convert. I've never watched a college game (except maybe bits and pieces of Notre Dame games when I was younger.) Tonight, though, was different. I go to the University of Miami now and apparently being in to football is all the rage. While I don't exactly see myself becoming a face painter and tailgating every single game, it was actually fun to support my school's team. I was supposed to go to my cousins' place but was unable to so I had to settle for watching it on my TV's ESPN. The game was incredibly intense and I know I'm fooling myself in to thinking every game will be this good. I also think I watched because some of my friends were giving me shit about having the ever-dreaded "school spirit." And if there was ever a game to make a convert out of someone, it was this one! It was back and forth the entire game, and the last 2 minutes literally spread out in to a nail biting, heart-attack inducing about extra half hour or so. Even the final play was questions, trying to figure out if FSU had made a final touchdown (they hadn't.) It was... well... awesome! So does this mean that i'll be joining the news team at the radio station and take part in the homecoming parade? Ehhhh probably not. But at least for a few minutes, I was pretty damn proud of my over-priced university. Go UM! Go 'Canes!

Monday, September 07, 2009

Happy Labor Day!

Although unemployed at the moment, I will be doing some kind of work today (at least - homework and hopefully more blogging.) However, thought i'd share this cool little mini-playlist NPR has on their website in honor of Labor Day.

Check out the Labor Day Blues and Grooves while you enjoy your barbecues, beach time, and full on relaxation!

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Moment of Geek: Weeds.

I've been watching this show for a few years now and it's been all kinds of good and bad. This season just got to be a bit too ridiculous, though. Getting involved with the Mayor of Mexico, having a baby whose legal daddy is actually your dead husband's brother just so you aren't killed, Shane learning Spanish from his new step-daddy's goon and later getting shot, Celia as a faux lesbian, Doug becoming even more ridiculous with time, Silas getting the shaft when it comes to character development, Andy just being ultimately pathetic, and just... I don't know. They even brought in Alanis Morissette to see if she could save it (You oughta know... she really couldn't.) It's just been a roller coaster of crap. And hell, I still miss Conrad (although it seems Sanjay might be making an unexpected comeback! Eep, that wasn't too spoilery I don't think.) My friend Allie had given up on it and my plan was to abandon ship once the season ended (because I felt I owed them at least that much - we had good times, after all.) And well, I guess my bizarre crush on Esteban also helps.

However, one smooth move by little angsty teenager Shane Botwin has totally changed my opinion of the show. Again.

See, he's been slowly moving toward some kind of meltdown. And it makes sense that if your dad dies unexpectedly when you're a child and then your mom becomes a drug king pin of sorts and then marries the mayor of Mexico City and then you get shot as a result - you'll probably be pretty damn fucked up. Anyway, he totally stole the season finale and made it worth the rest of the 26 minutes of crap. If you haven't seen it yet, do yourself a favor and watch. You WILL be back for the next season. Weeds is like that really great pizza every lactose intolerant fool always falls for. Or, in the immortal words of Mr. Al Pacino:

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

I just don't believe it...

According to Forbes, Miami is the 20th Most Stressful City to be in. Seriously? Only 20th?! And tied with Vegas?? I just think that whoever wrote this has not gotten lost in Hialeah, tried to buy something at Navarro in Christmas time, looked for parking at the beach on a Saturday night, driven during traffic on the I-95 (or the 826... or the 836), tried to order a vegetarian entree anyplace (you always get the questioning looks), used the public transportation system, been in line at MDC's (or FIU's) financial aid office, or any other the other wonderful/god awful things that make this city such a pain in the ass to be in. I believe stress RUNS this city. And to be placed at only #20 (ESPECIALLY when we ranked #1 in Rudest Drivers in America, #3 for Worst Cities to Commute In, and #8 in Highest Cities to Rent In) seems like a total jip.

I demand a recount!

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Hubby Hubby!

Ben & Jerry's are at it again! These people are the epitome of cool (although they really should come out with a vegan flavor already.) In honor of Vermont's support of marriage equality (and all the other states who have wised up enough to allow ALL to marry), they've come out with this new flavor called Hubby Hubby. The super cute carton has a rainbow and a picture of two grooms on a wedding cake.

Seriously, way too cute. Kudos, Ben & Jerrys!